My future mother-in-law and I went wedding ring shopping. We had in mind for my fiance a ring that was so complex, kind of like her. But when my mother-in-law saw this
ornate engagement ring she went so still. At first I thought she was scared or something but when I looked at her she was actually crying. Of course I was worried I expected the water works after we picked out the ring, but this was too soon. I asked her what was the matter and she just said "this one's it". She told me of the story of her mother passing away from a car accident and the only thing she owned at that time was the wedding ring from her father. She said the ring in the display case looked exactly like her mothers ring. She said it was unbelieveable, the only thing she wanted was to giver her only daughter that ring just like her mother was suppose to do her. I'm glad to say I can now start a new tradition with my new wife.