
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Minature Linear Actuator

Minature linear actuators serve the same purposes as linear actuators do, except they are compact in size. But like their regular counterparts, a mini actuator is designed to convert energy into push-and-pull motions or linear motion. In the construction of a car, for example, a variety of mini actuators might be used for the fuel flap, locking doors, adjusting the headrest, opening the glove box and lifting the hood. Mini actuators are commonly used for applications where there is little available space or the appliance is smaller in size.

So it makes sense that they are popular in hobby design. But they are also commonly used in practically every industry, from automobile manufacturing to the healthcare sector to furniture production. A mini actuator might be used to lift a flap or open a drawer. The further development of mini linear actuators has opened up doors in technological advances. Where smaller is better, scientific researchers and developers use mechanical mini actuators in nanotechnology.

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